Homebound Flu Immunization Program

The best prevention against the seasonal flu is to get the flu vaccine. The seasonal flu vaccine protects against the most common flu viruses. The Seasonal Flu Vaccine can protect you from getting sick from these viruses or it can make your illness milder if you get a flu virus that is related to those in the vaccine.

While most of us have the opportunity to attend a flu clinic or visit our physician’s office to receive the vaccine, there are some that are unable to leave their home. Community Nursing Services of North East homebound flu immunization program will schedule a time for a nurse to come to your home, within our service area, to administer the vaccine.

Medicare and most Medicare Advantage programs will pay the agency directly for the vaccine and the administration. The agency will verify if your insurance covers the immunization. Although insurance will not pay for a home visit, Community Nursing Services of North East makes no additional charge for the visit to your home. Donations from within the community help defray the additional cost.

If you require a visit, due to inability to leave your home, and live in our service area please call Community Nursing Services prior to September to arrange for your vaccine administration.

Helpful resources about the flu: